In an effort to disseminate valuable information to scholars, despite limitations created by COVID-19, the IMPRS-IS Coordination Office is hosting a series of informational Zoom sessions, each focused on a different IMPRS-IS related topic. The third session in this series will provide an overiew of how to register at the University of Tübingen.
All IMPRS-IS scholars will earn doctoral degrees from one of two universities, either the University or Stuttgart or Tübingen. All scholars must enroll at one of these partner universities within their first year of pursing a Ph.D. as an IMPRS-IS scholar.
On Wednesday, June 24 at 1:00pm CET, the IMPRS-IS coordination office will host an online training session, instructing scholars how to register at the University of Tübingen.
If you are a scholar interesed in registering at the University of Stuttgart, we will be hosting an alternative meeting to provide this info. Please find the session details here.
Items covered in this meeting will include:
All scholars have previously been sent a Zoom access link to this session. If you are a current IMPRS-IS scholar still searching for access to this meeting, please email
More information